Monday 11 April 2011

My Past Month

Sorry I haven't blog'ed for a month ....... been rushed off my paws!

Basically ......... I've been busy fundraising for Fox Project, and getting ready for our 'Fundraisers Meeting' which was held last Sunday.

I thought I would turn my paw to a little jewelry making ...... I was inspired when I saw these little silver foxes in an online supplies shop.

I wanted to combine them with my antique crystals that I purchased in the antique shop back in February.  Here's what I came up with ......

Really please with the results!

I've sold 6 so far and still have some orders pending!

Next up ....... it was time to hit the streets and collect some sponsors.

Fox Project friend Lucy Hart will be running the London Marathon on the 17th April ..... and we are all giving her a big boost by collecting sponsors.

I've raised £33 so far ....... and as a bonus the person or fox who gets the most sponsors wins this fantastic print, donated by artist Clive Meredith!

'Lying Up' by Clive Meredith

And here is a link to Clive's blog -

Here's the link to the sponsor form if you want to join in!

Sponsorship done ....... it was time to start collecting supplies to help out the foxes.

Here's me sorting out all the newspapers collected from 'the lads' at work.  Fox Project uses torn up papers for fox bedding, it's nice and cosy, you can hide under it and let's face it, some newspapers are only fit for this purpose!

I've taken out the crosswords ..... I do like a good puzzle ..... and don't mind admitting that the Sun produces a very fine cross word indeed!

A fox at the top of the shard building .......
hmmm ..... that's interesting!

Not particularly impressed with the use of the word
'vermin' though.  Foxes are not and never have been
classed as 'vermin' by DEFRA!

Here's Louis and Sammy using their
fox bedding plus blanket!

Here's Milly using some newspaper
at meal time .... things can get pretty messy

when you are learning to deal with solids!

I also collected a dog bowl for the intensive care unit and some old towels which I gave to our voluntary rescuers Janey and Scott!

Now ... what's next?

Oh yeah ....... here's me taking time out of my busy schedule to observe EARTH HOUR  

Couldn't get much done with all the lights off, so basically took an hour to chill out and relax!


Lights on ........... next job was a last minute request from ambulance driver and fundraiser Felicity.  I love Felicity but she's a 'stonker' for giving me jobs at the last minute!

I had to make a shopping list for our new intensive care unit ...... so I got on to photoshop quick sharp!

The list went in to our fundraisers pack!

We've got to raise £37,640 ...... which is a lot of 'dosh' ........ but seeing as we managed to raised over £8000 to cover the cub season since our last meeting in January, we are confident that we will do it!

If you want to download the shopping list, just click on the link:

Last minute job ..........  bake some easter themed cakes for the fundraisers meeting.

Hmm ...... got chocolate mix
stuck in my whisker!

Ta Dah .... Bunny Muffins ..... 
not brilliant photos but I was up 
'till late and the light was fading!

Quick bath and off to bed!

Next morning ........ supplies together and off down to the meeting.

Time to brief Lucy before we set off .....
Lucy is helping with the
Easter display today!

I made her out of recycled velvet pieces
but I'll tell you about that in another bog!

I named her after our fosterer Lucy who is
looking after Louis and Sammy.

Traffic was a nightmare ....... but we finally got there.  Everyone was a bit worried because I was bringing the Tea Bags!

Time to relax a bit and listen to Felicity.

Got told off on a number of occasions for talking ......
but we all had a good laugh!

And time to catch up with old friends ........
this is Freddy, he helps Jan and Helen look
after some of our foster cubs.

Apparently he's been going to Zumba classes lately!

And finally ...... Designer Doggy Attire ........... took a few snaps of my new mate Oscar modelling our new range of hand knitted Fox Project dog coats and scarves.

We will be taking orders on these shortly ...... just as soon as we've have sorted out the sizing guide!

And here's why we do what we do .........

 Milly, Mickey, Paddy and Jacob taking their first tentative steps out in to the spring sunshine!

Forget Me Not!


I downloaded some free elements to make my Intensive Care Unit Shopping List.  And would like to thank these two wonderful sites that provide great digital scrapbooking elements.

Thanks to Heather Jolly for providing the red ribbon, flower clip and staple.

Thanks to Judy for providing the 'Talk to the Paw' button (LOVE THAT ONE!).


  1. What wonderful fox cubs! Thanks so much for the comment on my blog, I've been besotted with my garden foxes for a few years now and it's nice to see people doing things to help foxes in the UK. I'll keep on eye on this blog and on your etsy shop to see what's going on!
